etan 4 U
JoinedTopics Started by etan 4 U
The Jehovah's Witnesses will? Or God's will?
by etan 4 U inall of you shall rejoice!
you will be so very happy that you will even sing!
for you will all see the glory of our god.
What does a Jehovah's Witness think of himself? How do you veiw yourself?
by etan 4 U ingod does not want you people to worry but to have comfort.
for all people your errors have been pardoned.
with every sin you have done, for you have been pardoned if not once but yet a second time.
TO EVERYONE JWs, EX-JWS, NON-JWS, and all you yahoos.......
by etan 4 U in"listen!!
the green grass has dried up, the blossom has withered; but as for the word of our god, it will last to time indefinite.
see the glory of our god and his splendor exult!
To all you: Witnesses and EX-Witnesses and NON-Witnesses and yahoos....
by etan 4 U inall flesh is green grass , and all their loving-kindness is like the blossom of the field.
the green grass has dried up, the blossom has withered, because the very spirit of jehovah has blown upon it.
surely the people are green grass.
Confess by partaking at the Memorial? !!!
by etan 4 U inplease answer the question at the bottom..... 2 cor 13:5-6
5 keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you yourselves are.
do you not recognize that jesus christ is in union with you
by etan 4 U into those who do not partake of the memorial emblems..... the jws feel that the ones that partake (remaining 144,000) are the ones that jesus establishes the new covanant with then what covanant is the great crowd in?
to be in union with christ and to have everlasting life jesus said to eat and drink of his body and blood ( john 6:54-56).
so to eat of the bread ( his body) and to drink of the wine ( his blood) why not eat and drink to be in union with him.
To Partake or Not to Partake THAT IS THE QUESTION!
by etan 4 U into partake or not to partake that is the question!
i need some questions answered maybe you all can help.
is it because they wish to be of an earthly resurection?
Important notes on Watchtower Feb 15 04 what do you think good? bad?
by etan 4 U inparagraph 5 - .
paragraph 7 --.
paragraph 9 -.
LOVE!! OKAY THE SUBJECT IS LOVE!!!! try to figure that one out
by etan 4 U in"?acts 3:19.
so, then, what is required for salvation?
only "he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.